B01: A personal note from Larry Kahn

I was asked this morning by someone who loves me why I chose this path in practicing law, as I witness first hand, so much loss, grief and pain in the lives of our clients, After I reread it, I felt that perhaps other trial attorneys, new and older and more experienced, might relate and feel the same inspiration that I felt after the words landed on the page from my opened heart. 


Thank you for your curiosity and for your insight into the insidious greed that puts more value on money than human life. I'm proud to be a soldier in a group of trial attorneys who wage war against this evil on behalf of and for the House of Love. Unfortunately, we will never be out of work.

It's also one of the reasons that I envisioned the courtroom and teaching the next generation of attorneys to carry on this work, this important work.  I've been among the fortunate to have had a modicum of success in the arena and reap the benefits, for which I make no apology. A lot of people make a lot of money doing things that don't matter, at least don't advance the moral construct that life is precious and worth protecting at risk of profits. I am therefore blessed to be paid handsomely as a warrior for justice.

While the money from verdicts or settlements can help make something good happen to victims and families in a tragic situation, the best cases we work on actually make change which benefits society. There is nothing that soothes a grieving family more after losing somebody to  negligence,  than to know their loved one did not die in vain, that others might live and benefit and be protected from their loss. This seems to be the most powerful healer of grief, and I've been fortunate enough to see it personally. There is no greater salve for that wound.

I strive for it in every case possible, but it's not always possible and it's not always accomplished even where it could and should be. For every case where this is realized, I've had 1000s that accomplish only money. Sometimes money alone can have an effect on conduct, but more times than not, it's just the insurance companies' bottom lines that are momentarily affected, and they always find other ways to claw the money back. Profits keep climbing. Coverage and fair treatment of its insureds keeps diminishing. That's our reality in 2024.

Some days I feel like Sisyphus, pushing the bolder uphill only to find it at the bottom. But like Sisyphus, I keep pushing. It's all I can do. Keep pushing. That's all good people from the House of Love can do. Keep pushing.

And while I cannot remain unaffected by the grief and loss foisted upon my clients, often triggering my own personal grief and loss, I have learned I am stronger than I thought. I have learned to be grateful for remembering my losses, not only to help others, but to remember and celebrate those people who meant so much to me. Let my eyes fill with tears as they do now, followed by a wistful smile, chills and joy knowing their love is still here, still with me. I am grateful.

That's why I need to do the work for myself, and so when tragedy strikes, I can be my clients' champion, not only seeking justice on their behalf, but also being a strong shoulder to cry on and a good friend to laugh with. It fits for me. I don't think I could've ever done anything better, more useful or more satisfying with my life, with my career. My personality and values align with it.

There have been some laments and losses, but there have been many more proud moments and successes. I am indeed a fortunate man. My soul is satisfied.

Seeing that you recognize on the larger scale what it is that we do as trial attorneys, and why, simply inspires me to be better on all fronts, not the least of which is being a better man for myself, for you, for my family and friends and, yes, for my clients. I'll keep trying forever.

Thank you for asking why we trial attorneys do this work and why we are willing to subject ourselves to bearing witness to some of the worst tragedies humans and families will ever experience. Starting the day, remembering, passionately feeling, what we do and why we do it is wonderful and meaningful. Having you recognize it and celebrate it is inspiring and loving. I am grateful to start each day with honor and humility, seeking Justice for those who suffered such grievous losses. I strive and hope to be better at it.

With love and kindness,
